About classes
I teach regular classes in Knaresborough. Classes are for 75 minutes, and they form a block of sessions embracing a particular aspect of yoga. In the first session of each block I explain the intention of the sessions to encourage a deeper understanding of that particular aspect of yoga.
Class Timetable with all the details is further down the page.
In addition to regular classes I also hold yoga retreats and other events, and you can find out more here.
You can also book one-to-one sessions for yourself or as a present, tailored to suit the ability of the person being taught. Find out more about private yoga sessions here.
I will be holding Yin Yoga sessions soon. More details to come in due course.
What do I need to bring to in-venue classes?
Hatha Yoga
Loose comfortable clothing should be worn; cotton tracksuit bottoms or yoga trousers, loose t-shirt and a warm jumper for example. Feet will be bare in class but if you like, socks with a grip on the soles (such as ‘ToeSox’) may be worn. Bring warm socks to put on in relaxation. Please don’t wear shorts without a lycra underlayer (or pyjamas – privileges for online classes only).
You also need a yoga mat, blanket, cushion, yoga blocks, belt and an eye pillow if you wish. I no longer carry equipment so please provide your own.
A bottle of water and a sense of humour are also good items to bring along and please arrive 10 minutes before the class start time.
Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra
As Hatha however you may also wish to bring a bolster or pillow and an extra blanket.
Anything Else?
Before class it is important that you complete a health questionnaire – please contact me to request a form. The form is necessary for your safety and to enable me to offer alternative postures. Access the Privacy Policy at the bottom of the page.
ॐ Do not eat a meal for 2 hours before coming.
ॐ Classes are currently for over 18’s only (16 - 18 year olds should have a parent in the class as well).
ॐ Please don’t bring your children with you.*
ॐ Don’t forget your Yoga gear! I no longer carry extras with me.
ॐ Enjoy your Yoga; smile, breathe and have fun!
*I understand childcare difficulties however I don’t have facilities or insurance to look after children.
Class timetable
(for actual dates please contact me)
Tuesday Hatha Yoga, 10.30am to 11.45am, Chain Lane Community Hub, Knaresborough
Tuesday Hatha Yoga, 7pm to 8.15pm, Chain Lane Community Hub, Knaresborough. More info...
The nitty-gritty for classes and day retreats & workshops
In-venue Yoga classes are block book only. No drop ins.
Payment must be made in advance. Contact me for payment methods.
Classes are non-refundable and not transferable.
Cancellation for workshops and day retreats - ts and cs will be on the booking form.
You must update me re contact details and health conditions prior to class.