Clearing blocks
Our January 2021 classes had the theme ‘Clearing Blocks’.
What blocks I hear you ask.
Let me first introduce you to the Sushumna channel. This is the energetic line along the spine, where the vital energy rests at the base of the spine, and it is said that this Kundalini energy, which is coiled like a snake. As the energy centres that are seated along the spine balance through Yogic practices, the knots or blocks (known as Granthis) start to gently unravel and the Kundalini energy rises. Once the energy reaches the crown of the head, Sahasrara Chakra, we reach Samadhi, we become one with our soul, bliss, enlightenment.
The Granthis are barriers to internal freedom as they prevent Prana (life force) from flowing. They come about through attachment to the physical world and the problems that come along with that attachment.
We can free ourselves of the knots by taking charge of our inner landscape through yoga and meditation, through intentional calming, promoting a better relationship with ourselves and world around us. Through taking personal responsibility for our thoughts, our reactions, recognising how we form unconscious patterns and behaviours we can free ourselves of these knots. Coming to terms with our issues allows freedom, avoiding situations that cause the knots to tighten.
More on these knots:
Brahma Granthi is the first knot and it is associated with Muladhara and Swadhisthana chakras. It is linked with the survival instinct, the urge to procreate and with deep, instinctive knowledge, awareness and desire. When Brahma Granthi is transcended, the kundalini or primal energy is able to rise beyond Muladhara and Swadhisthana without being pulled back down by the attractions and instinctual patterns of the personality.
Blocked – strong attachment to physical pleasures and material objects, excessive selfishness. Can also occur due to feeling unsafe or through abuse.
Free by practising gratitude, fostering healthy relationships and exercising freedom of choice.
The second knot is Vishnu Granthi, associated with Manipura and Anahata chakras. These two chakras deal with the sustenance of the physical, emotional and mental aspects of human existence. Once Vishnu Granthi is transcended, one is no longer bound by physical, mental and emotional attachments. Relationships and energy become more universal, rather than being limited by personal preferences or aversions.
Blocked – lack of compassion or overly compassionate, limiting of potential in others, controlling.
Free by letting go of love of power and cultivating power of love.
The final knot is Rudra Granthi, which is associated with Vishuddhi and Ajna chakras. When Rudra Granthi is pierced, individuality is dropped. The old ego identification is left behind and the experience of unmanifest consciousness, beyond the phenomenal universe, emerges at Ajna and Sahasrara chakras.
Blocked – attachment to predjudices, opinions, beliefs. Mind rigid, underlying fear.
Free by allowing an open mind, acceptance, noticing limiting quality of beliefs.
The knots are released through working with the Bandhas, our Yoga asana practise, pranayama, meditation and self awareness.
Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha. Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Yoga Publications Trust, 2008
Prana and Pranayama, Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati, Yoga Publications Trust, 2012
Granthis handout, Jayadhara (Jane Cluley)